The Honorable Nancy Miller
Mayor, City of Daytona Beach Shores

Nancy Miller was elected Mayor of Daytona Beach Shores in 2018 and was sworn in on November 13, 2018, for a four-year term. She was re-elected without opposition in 2022 for a second four-year term that will go through November 2026.

During her tenure, city accomplishments have included the opening of Veterans Park and the Van Alder Dog Park, establishment of an Economic Development Committee, elimination of the city debt that resulted in a reduction in property taxes, approval of a Stipulated Settlement Agreement and redevelopment plan for demolition of the former Treasure Island resort, and recruitment for the much-needed and requested Halifax Health ExpressCare, the only urgent care center on the beachside.

Mayor Miller attended Youngstown State University and Kennesaw State University where she received her Professional Human Resource Certification. She has completed multiple courses in the Florida League of Cities University program, including the Institute for Elected Municipal Officials I and II and the Leadership Academy I.

Born in Youngstown, Ohio, Miller began working for the Ohio Bell Telephone Company. Ohio Bell divested several times and Nancy transitioned through the various companies and retired from AT&T in April of 2018 with 43 years of service. She held various management and leadership positions including Human Resources, Labor Relations, Project Management, Retail and Vendor Management.

Mayor Miller is Vice Chair of the Volusia County Roundtable of Elected Officials and serves on the Board of Directors for the Volusia League of Cities, where she is currently 2nd Vice President and Advocacy Chair. She was elected to the Florida League of Mayors Board of Directors for a term that continues through August 2024. She served three years on the Florida League of Cities’ legislative policy committees: one year on Land and Development and two years on Municipal Administration. She is the recipient of the prestigious Blaine O’Neal Award of Excellence from the Volusia League of Cities for 2021.

She is Past President of Key Colony Home Owners Association. While living in Georgia, Miller was the coordinator for a Habitat for Humanity Build and volunteered at Ronald McDonald House. She was a Family Support Coordinator for Edward’s National Guard Unit while he was deployed during Desert Storm.

Mayor Miller hosts monthly “Coffee with the Mayor” events to share current happenings in the Shores, meet Shores residents, hear what’s on their minds, answer their questions and host guest speakers from the community. Coffee with the Mayor is held on the second Wednesday of each month at the Shores Community Center.

She is dedicated to making “life better in the Shores!”

Miller and her husband, Edward, began vacationing in Daytona Beach Shores in 1972. They enjoyed years of vacationing in the Shores, attending NASCAR races with their family and friends. They purchased their home in Daytona Beach Shores in 2010 and commuted between Atlanta and the Shores until 2014, when they made the Shores their permanent residence.

The Millers have been married for 50 years. They have 3 children and 6 grandchildren.