Program Details:

Participate as an FLM Business Affiliate to promote your company, products, services and solutions to Florida’s Mayors. Meet in person with many of the 250+ FLM members at various FLM events throughout the year. Click here to learn about the different affiliate levels.

Important Note for Municipal Officials:

Submit the names and contact information for companies that do business with your municipality to FLM staff at Please do not contact the vendors yourself; FLM staff will contact the vendors on your behalf.

Why participate as a Business Affiliate?

  • Promote your company, products, services and solutions to Florida’s Mayors.
  • Meet in person with many of the 250+ FLM members at various FLM events
    throughout the year.
  • Serve as a resource for the FLM membership.
  • Participate in FLM webinars.
  • Have your company’s website linked on the FLM website.
  • Receive recognition at various FLM events and on signage at the FLM events.
  • Receive FLM event registration lists (including physical mailing addresses only).
  • Networking! Networking! Networking!

When is the program offered?

The program is offered every year. You can pay to join at any time.

How do I join the program?

Click here to download the application.