The Honorable Brent Latham
Mayor, City of North Bay Village

Mayor Brent Latham moved permanently to North Bay Village in 2014, with his wife and two children. In the fall of 2018, neighbors throughout our diverse community supported Brent’s call for a more responsive, representative government in our community.

With a wide-ranging background encompassing policy, public service, communications, and resource and financial management, neighbors have shown confidence that Mayor Latham has the professional and personal experience to lead our diverse community to a promising future.

Born and raised in South Florida, Brent understands the unique issues that touch our unique island municipality. He firmly believes that the strength of our community lies in the diversity and resilience of our residents, and bases his thinking on critical issues in those terms.

During his career as a public servant, Brent has obtained experience around the world, adding unique perspectives to his work leading our community.

His more notable experiences include time working on Capitol Hill, as a small business development Peace Corps volunteer in Central America, project management with the United Nations in West Africa, and executive management of an education and youth development non-profit organization in South America.

For the last decade, Brent has specialized in strategic communications in the world of sports, in addition to operations and management, working internationally for ESPN and most recently for FIFA, and Miami-based Concacaf.

Brent is fluent in English and Spanish and proficient in Brazilian Portuguese and West African French. He has a Master’s Degree in international relations from the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, and also achieved a Master’s Degree in International Business Administration from Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Spain, studying as a Fulbright Scholar.