The Honorable Bobby Wagner
Mayor, City of Destin
Reflecting over the last ten years of my life, I have noticed a pattern that continuously calls me forward into the unknown. It starts with a choice to begin something new, a period of time to learn and grow, followed by an opportunity to lead and put my skills to the test. This past decade I have worked towards becoming a better music educator, small business owner, video producer, executive director of a nonprofit, councilman, and now mayor of Destin. Each transition seemed worlds apart at the moment, and I knew very little about what I was starting. But through personal development, mentors, and a supportive community, I have been able to overcome each challenge. Today, I see how connected these chapters of my life have been and how they have formed the person I have become. As I continue to write my future, I know that service for my community will always be at the center of everything I do.